10-02-2011, 03:21 PM
(10-02-2011, 01:38 AM)Butterfly Girl Wrote: I have a g/f her son drown and his soon to be Ex sold all of his belongings back to his parents.. wouldn't put that past Maytee.
(10-02-2011, 02:14 PM)smdlnd Wrote: Maytee is such a fucking pathetic waste of rotten flesh. not only did she copy LS's uncle on the RIP johnny lisa page, but she copied LS's sister now too.. almost word for word.
L. Straub (sister)
I think its sad that many of your friends think that this is the only person who did this to you and Johnny. There are still others out there who are still free and until they are caught, prosecuted, and sentenced to death justice is not served... This is not resolved; its the beginning of the end and it is going to be a hard road to travel through for years to come. Life will never be the same with out you. Especially mine.
LikeUnlike · · Friday at 12:41pm · Privacyhared with: Lisa's friends
now the pathetic cunt's post;
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez
I think its sad that many of your friends think that this is the only demon who did this to you and Lisa.There are still others out there who are still free and until they are caught, prosecuted, and sentenced to death justice is not served... This is not resolved; its the beginning of the end and it is going to be a hard fatal painfull road to travel through for years to come. Life will never be the same with out you. Especially for me ;,,((( i love you johnny i miss you every second of every minute of every hour of everyday.IT JUST DOESNT SEEM REAL I CNT ACCEPT ANY OF THIS ;,,((( so sad without you in our life
LikeUnlike · · Yesterday at 12:41pm · Privacyhared with: Rip's friends

Disgusting people... vile.. sick...