10-11-2011, 11:26 AM
While this Cameo prick is posting pictures of stacks of money and bragging about what a big shot he is, his babymama that has THREE of his kids is on FB selling belongings, begging for a job and asking to borrow money to support her kids. That is proof enough for me that he is a waste of air that needs the death penalty. I really can't freaking stand it that they are so many scummy fucking people in this world and they just keep on breeding. A couple comments from the babymama (MW) :
MW: Any one have 100 bucks i can borrow til friday... PLEASE!!!
MW: If my kiDs arent like there dad... <girl child> told me to get up i told he hang on n she said "get up now ma" it was cute... Then <boy child> Is just a spitting image of him every move he makes his looks the way he walks n talks cant wait to see who <the baby> acts like... Love my babies to death.. Thanks to my mother to show n teach me how to be the best ma in the world
MW: Well my kids wont be n issue cuz <boy child> told me he dont want his dad here n <girl child> cant stand him when hes around n the baby dont even know him like that..hisfault he lost out on a wonderful family..n i know this is the best thing for all of us get my life back on track n dont have to worry what he is doin
MW: Any one have 100 bucks i can borrow til friday... PLEASE!!!
MW: If my kiDs arent like there dad... <girl child> told me to get up i told he hang on n she said "get up now ma" it was cute... Then <boy child> Is just a spitting image of him every move he makes his looks the way he walks n talks cant wait to see who <the baby> acts like... Love my babies to death.. Thanks to my mother to show n teach me how to be the best ma in the world
MW: Well my kids wont be n issue cuz <boy child> told me he dont want his dad here n <girl child> cant stand him when hes around n the baby dont even know him like that..hisfault he lost out on a wonderful family..n i know this is the best thing for all of us get my life back on track n dont have to worry what he is doin