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Another example of why I am against gun control.
(10-19-2011, 10:59 AM)username Wrote: My problem with guns is the asshat parents who store them irresponsibly, a kid gets their hands on a weapon and, oops, accidentally shoots little Johnny from down the street.

It's true those asshat parents are the problem with leaving their guns accessible to kids, but there are also plenty of asshat parents who leave their kids unsupervised, leave drugs around the house for their children to ingest (accidental poisonings of kids increased 28% from 2001-2008), live a lifestyle that gets their child involved in the drug world (a la Maytee) or bring child molesters into their children's lives, drink and drive with the kids in the car, etc. And then there's the women who drink and/or do drugs while pregnant producing children who are often mentally/emotionally handicapped for their entire lives. I wish we could prevent it all.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Another example of why I am against gun control. - by Kip - 10-19-2011, 12:40 PM