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Another example of why I am against gun control.
The latest data I could pull from the CDC website were for 2008.

Numbers are:

Age 0-17 Firearm deaths

Total Firearms deaths: 1475

Unintentional deaths: 98 (Accidental firearm deaths)

Undetermined deaths: 26 (Not determined if death was accidental or not)

Age 0-19 Firearm deaths

Total Firearm deaths: 2966

Unintentional deaths: 123

Undetermined deaths: 39

The Childrens Defense Fund uses statistics for children ages 0-19, which doubles the number of deaths. However, in the U.S. you are a legal adult at age 18, therefore the 0-17 age range is more accurate if you are discussing childrens deaths due to firemarms. Adding the unintentional and undetermined columns for firearms deaths comes to 124 deaths that could have been caused due to parental, caregiver, or extended familial carelessness with a firearm.

Please compare the firearm stats with the following:

2008 Poisoning Deaths ages 0-17

Total poisoning deaths: 494

Unintentional poisoning: 333

Undetermined poisoning: 66

The total for unintentional and undetermined poisoning total 399 deaths, which is more than 3 times greater than firearms deaths in 2008.

More information at


Messages In This Thread
RE: Another example of why I am against gun control. - by Cheyne - 10-19-2011, 03:38 PM