10-20-2011, 12:27 AM
(10-19-2011, 11:19 PM)JsMom Wrote: I'm just tired of the BS. I want to get it out on the table. I was never accepted here. I want to know fucking why. O! because I can't spell 100%? I date out of my race? U get my drift. I'm just tired of every damn thing I SAY gets picked apart. Every time I get on Mock. (even in the Crime Forum) I want to get this stupid bullshit out so I can continue having fun here sat Mock. I was NEVER gave a chance. All because I'm not perfect, or a Harvard grad.! Point Blank
Okay . . . one more time.
The unwritten (as in "Not in the Formal Crime Forum Rules") but often mentioned, especially when a crime thread wanders way off topic, rule is: TRY AND STAY ON CASE POINT.
pspence commented about her daughter who, to my knowledge, is neither involved nor has any bearing on the case. Simply put . . . OFF TOPIC and NOT RELEVANT TO THE CASE. Side note - I personally don't trust people with disabilities greater than mine. However, I'm sure she is a homely girl with a lovely personality, no matter how fucked-up it is.
However, she only stated it once, succinctly and innocuously. No real harm; no real foul.
Keeping up with me, so far? If not . . . stop reading now and continue to wallow in self pity and ignorance.
I was a being smart ass and commented, consciously violating the unwritten "Official" Crime Forum rule for my own edification. (Most of it was true . . . except for the grocery list thing. I have a personal shopper for my menial tasks. I get laughs reading the Koran out loud.)
I let it go at with one short, self deprecating comment. However, IT STILL WAS A VIOLATION OF THE "UNOFFICIAL" AND YET, WELL KNOWN RULE.
See a pattern here? Broken 'rule' but short in nature and occurring ONLY ONCE!
Surprise! Cracker chimed in! Again . . . once, short and innocuous.
Now go back, read your post and answer the following questions:
1.) Did it pertain to the case?
2.) Was it short?
3.) Did I say my piece, once, and let it go?
4.) Why the fuck didn't I shut the hell up and felt the need to keep hammering this shit into the ground because, for some reason, I can't let it go?
5.) Why am I paranoid and yet, do not live in Australia?
Hating you? That's what you think this is all about? Hating YOU?
And now . . . you start a thread to whine about acceptance and soothe your bruised ego?
Grow the fuck up.
BTW - The following sentences illustrate my kind and compassionate nature. "Side note - I personally don't trust people with disabilities greater than mine. However, I'm sure she is a homely girl with a lovely personality, no matter how fucked-up it is."
I'm betting money that pspense knows where I'm coming from, being this is Mock.
The question is: Did you?