10-20-2011, 04:57 AM
(10-20-2011, 12:02 AM)Cheyne Wrote: So Louisa (Cass) Noyes is living with Mark Mullaney, Kevin Mullaney and her daughter Kayla? Must this woman always be with a man, any man?
Oh my fucking head~that didn't take long. It must be something in the water up there.

Could she be any less tacky? Could she set any more of a bad example on how to hop from one bed to another? Is this how she wants her surviving daughter to learn about relationships? What a fucking cunt she is! What a message to send to your child.
That being said, this only cements my belief that Kevin M and Celina are half siblings with the same father. There's too much resemblance between Celina and Kevin, and really no resemblance between Celina and her sister.
I just had a really perverted thought tho, if Celina grew up with her Mother bed hopping, & being promiscuous. Celina would have thought that promiscuity was OK. Maybe the night that she died, she was trying to entertain the men drinking out on the porch, the way her mother would have. Now, this is pure speculation, but what if one of the men took it too far......Lured her away, and then raped and killed her so she couldn't talk.
I'm not saying this is Celina's fault in any way, I'm just speculating on a scenario, based on a perception that children learn what they live.
Edit to add one more thought: If Kevin's father had that big of a house (that Louisa, Kevin, & Kayla could live there) Why the hell was Kevin living with Louisa and Wendall?