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See ya', wouldn't wanna be ya'...

This will come as a HUGE surprise but many Republicans are opposed to Obama's plans to bring the troops home at the end of the year.


Republicans criticize Obama over Iraq withdrawa
lBy's Michael O'Brien
Mitt Romney issued a scathing rebuke Friday of President Obama's decision to withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq by year's end, joining a chorus of Republicans critical of the president's decision.

Romney sharply criticized the announcement this afternoon by Obama that all troops would leave Iraq by the end of 2011, fulfilling one of Obama's main promises from the 2008 campaign, that he would end the war in Iraq.

“President Obama’s astonishing failure to secure an orderly transition in Iraq has unnecessarily put at risk the victories that were won through the blood and sacrifice of thousands of American men and women," Romney said in a statement. "The unavoidable question is whether this decision is the result of a naked political calculation or simply sheer ineptitude in negotiations with the Iraqi government."

Romney's sentiment is in tune with what Republicans have said Friday afternoon; most GOP voices have expressed concern that the withdrawal would imperil progress made after almost nine years' worth of war in Iraq.

"I feel all we have worked for, fought for, and sacrificed for is very much in jeopardy by today’s announcement. I hope I am wrong and the President is right, but I fear this decision has set in motion events that will come back to haunt our country," said South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of the most vocal proponents of the war, in a statement.

Obama's decision Friday technically follows through on an agreement struck late during President George W. Bush's administration, which set a goal of rull withdrawal from Iraq by the end of 2011. But Republicans have generally criticized Obama for having established timetables to pull out of both Iraq and Afghanistan, arguing that Obama should be more flexible to the requests of commanders on the ground.

Commando Cunt Queen

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See ya', wouldn't wanna be ya'... - by username - 10-21-2011, 04:04 PM