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Robert Wood Jr., 9 . VA. autistic boy. FOUND ALIVE!!
Damn! i want to see him found before nightfall!

A landslide of well wishes, prayers, and questions has arisen from the concerned public. At Firehouse 4 in Doswell, Vir., people are donating food and drinks to the volunteers that search for Robbie

And tonight there will be a candlelight service, organized by a Hanover resident, Denise Powell.

“I just wanted to do something,” Powell said, who has children of her own and a 9-year-old granddaughter.

Joining together to support one another “is a big thing,” she said. “I felt that there were so many people out there looking that maybe I could get people together to pray.”

As a country resident, Powell said that supporting neighbors is a way of life. “We live in the country—where people like to help one another.”

That includes the Ashland Wal-Mart, she pointed out, who will help by donating candles for tonight’s service. The big store has also donated supplies for the volunteers.

“If they have candles they can bring them, but candles will be there,” said Powell.

Powell is glad that the search has been opened up for “the community to get involved.”


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RE: Robert Wood Jr., 9 . VA. missing autistic boy - by Lady Cop - 10-25-2011, 02:58 PM