10-25-2011, 04:59 PM
I have a friend who refused to register to vote for that very reason - to avoid being called for jury duty. A few days ago she received a letter that she had been randomly selected to serve as a juror for the year 2012. The letter explains that she was selected from a list of prospective jurors that contains registered voters, persons filing an individual income tax return, and licensed drivers over the age of 18. I have no idea if this is something new or has always been that way in her particular county.
I have a friend who refused to register to vote for that very reason - to avoid being called for jury duty. A few days ago she received a letter that she had been randomly selected to serve as a juror for the year 2012. The letter explains that she was selected from a list of prospective jurors that contains registered voters, persons filing an individual income tax return, and licensed drivers over the age of 18. I have no idea if this is something new or has always been that way in her particular county.