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former Penn. State Coach Sandusky charged in child sex case
(11-08-2011, 08:39 PM)RJs-Ex Wrote: When the eye-witness grad assistant went to Paterno's house the next day and told Paterno in person what he saw, why didn't Paterno ask him, "Did you call the cops? No? Then let's call them together, right now." The next phone call could've been to his superiors. Paterno may have done what he was legally required to do, but that doesn't get him (or the grad assistant) off the hook, as far as I'm concerned.

This justification that reporting Sandusky to the police could've subjected Paterno and the school to a lawsuit is cowardly. Who gives a shit about the 'possibility' of a lawsuit when you KNOW, by account of an eye witness who is standing in your home, that a child has been raped??? Would you be so quick to minimize and defend Paterno's inaction if this had been your son? Or if your son was the next victim after the boy in the shower?

Lawheeze and cheyne, I hadn't read the indictment, just the news reports that came out over the weekend. All called it "inappropriate behavior" not rape. So thank you for the information. My comment still stands as I knew it no reports had been made that it was sex let alone rape which is why I tempered my outrage.

RJ, why are you putting this on Joe? You're telling me a Graduate student, puts them at most likely at least 22, doesn't know to call the cops when witnessing a rape or a janitor, at least 18, doesn't know. Joe is so far down the line and yet people are quick to call for him to step down. How do you know he didn't suggest what you say?

No, reporting it to superiors is not cowardly. I can say this because I've been in similar situations in the military and it is always better to not make second hand accusations and instead call for an investigation. Again I have already outlined how.

If it were my son I'd be enraged at the janitor or Graduate Assistant FOR NOT STOPPING THE RAPE!!! That's where the outrage should be. Not at a guy who didn't find out all the details and was told AFTER THE FACT!

Seriously who doesn't stop a rape? Those two should be made to stand trial alongside Sandusky as accomplices. In the military we call these acts of omission/comission. Meaning an accomplice by inaction.
"I’m not going to cry over it. I already did that on the way home." - Michael Scott

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RE: former Penn. State Coach charged in child sex case - by MikeyA - 11-09-2011, 01:35 AM