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former Penn. State Coach Sandusky charged in child sex case
one of my sons was clearly a very talented athlete from a very young age. my entire life as he grew up was coaches and, football, baseball. then colleges recruiting him from 11th grade in HS., including Miami Hurricanes. he was drafted to pro baseball at 18, and pitched his way through triple A and then college, full ride. during those years i entrusted his welfare to A. my judgement and love, and B. coaches who cared about him, who were father figures and male influences. i read this stuff and i cannot tell you how it nauseates and infuriates and sickens me for those boys/victims. it brings tears to my eyes. truly. my heart goes out to the boys and their families.
i pray all the guilty and complicit suffer the furious burning fires of hell for eternity for what they did to those innocent boys with sports dreams.

[Image: fire.gif]


Messages In This Thread
RE: former Penn. State Coach charged in child sex case - by Lady Cop - 11-10-2011, 08:11 PM