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So, whatcha buying for the holidays?
I heard on the news this morning that you can get the same prices on electronics about 2 weeks before Christmas as you can on Black Friday. I prefer to wait until Black Monday and shop in my Jammies at home. But...if you're going to WalMart, you too can shop in your jammies like the rest of the inbred hicks that are too fucking lazy to get dressed.

On the other hand...smoke some GOOD green before you go, and nothing or nobody will even come close to pissing you off, at least that's been my experience in the past.

My kids will get cash because that's what they want...along with a few small wrapped presents.
My Granddaughters are a whole other story 17
Jaelyn will be a little spoiled...not too bad though as she'll only be 4 months and doesn't have a clue. Aleyah will get a whoooole sleigh full of toys and then some from Gammaw. I have a reason to love Christmas again!!

Messages In This Thread
So, whatcha buying for the holidays? - by Cracker - 11-21-2011, 02:12 PM
RE: So, whatcha buying for the holidays? - by FAHQTOO - 11-21-2011, 08:05 PM