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Karma Diaz, 2, found safe! Phoenix AZ
video news report here with grandma interview on phone:

police presser:

mommy lives with boyfriend and "elderly" couple. there is a babydaddy in the picture, is talking to police.

John Diaz, Karma's grandfather said he heard about Karma's disappearance around 5 a.m. from his ex-wife, Kari.

"I just want to talk to my daughter and find out what happened," he said. "They won't let me pass the yellow tape."

Diaz says he's worried about Karma and he hasn't been told anything about the case. "Nothing -- just in the dark."

Karma's father was called after she disappeared. While he is estranged from the mother, police don't believe he is a suspect.

"We don't have any suspicions of foul play at this time...there is a father involved...however the father is here, he is helping us. He has no idea where the child is, so we're thinking the child just wandered off. We're hoping someone in the neighborhood can help us find her.

An older couple was also inside the home, but they were sleeping. Police haven't released a lot of information about them, but it's believed they are the owners of the home. Why the mother, boyfriend and Karma are living with the couple is unknown at this time.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Karma Diaz, 2, missing. Phoenix AZ - by Lady Cop - 11-22-2011, 11:07 AM