11-26-2011, 07:35 AM
Years ago I used to do occasional presentations on STDs @ this psychological (wished mock had spell check) assessment place for adolescents (sp?)...anyway, all foster kids went there with a history of serious behaviors... most the nurse told me would never go into foster care because of such serious issues. this nurse and i developed a friendship and while watching the beginning video i always brought, she'd whisper to me as we sat in the back of the classroom. "see that little boy he/she did blah blah blah'...i was horrified..I 'd look up and see a darling little 9 yr old girl w/huge brown eyes who was a fire starter - her stepfather sexually abused her for years, a boy who looked to be no more than 10, she said raped his little sister who was 2 - seman (sp?) found in vagina, one little girl kept killing animals for no apparent reason - they never could figure out why, her parents seemed/appeared caring/normal, another little girl's arms were bandaged from her cutting and she was only 11, ...
no matter what we do as a society to help them/intervene/hospitalize, the numbers are only increasing. The kicker is almost every time I would go there would be at least 1 or 2 pregnant chicks in there too.
no matter what we do as a society to help them/intervene/hospitalize, the numbers are only increasing. The kicker is almost every time I would go there would be at least 1 or 2 pregnant chicks in there too.
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference!