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Do you feel lucky...? Well, do you???
Yes and no-well maybe.

I grew up with a mother whose idea of a nightcap was a fifth of rum at 3 in the afternoon. She thought it was fun to see how many wooden spoons she could break over my back on any given day. She didn't believe in working much either, so at any given point in time we had no electricity, phone, cable or food in the house. I spent part of my childhood wondering which neighbor I might be able to mooch supper off of. At 16 I had a full time job, as well as going to school, and had moved into a rooming house to get away from her.

My children, however, are very lucky-(mostly because they have never met their grandmother)-also because of the way I grew up, I tend to spoil them rotten. They have never gone hungry, they don't know what a spanking feels like (they lose privileges or get extra chores), they've never gotten teased for wearing rags or not having the latest gizmo that's all the rage.

I like having their friends over, and their friends like coming over (nobody would ever come to my house While growing up-they were all afraid of my mother).

You can be born into povety-but still have a decent life with the right parents. On the flip side, you can come from an affluent family, but never know love and affection because your parents are too selfish to give you any. (as with the case of a few of my son's friends-whose parents provide them with all the latest gizmos and gadgets, and yet, they hang at my house all weekend, are made to stack wood and do dishes, and still not want to leave on Sunday because they had too much fun playing charades with an old karaoke machine or something like that)


Messages In This Thread
RE: Do you feel lucky...? Well, do you??? - by cannongal - 12-12-2011, 07:18 AM