12-17-2011, 02:57 PM
(12-17-2011, 02:50 PM)LuciferLynn Wrote: Its his first, he has no other criminal history. Our state is very harsh and.must be in desperate need for money.
Where I work and who runs it is not your business.
My parents know and think he's getting the fucking shaft (my fathers words). They've known him a long time and know the kind of person he is.
Any more questions must be submitted in triplicate with carbon, no short hand & notarized.
I wasn't really interested. Just fucking with you because you are too stupid not to post your dirty laundry online. Don't do that shit. Mommy boards would offer condolences, we don't.
Your dad sounds like a classy guy. hahahahahahah
(12-17-2011, 02:48 PM)pspence Wrote: Wow Cracker. Brutal.
I'm an honest person. I say what I think, and what other people think but are too afraid to say, because I am not a deceptive cunt. People know where they stand with me. Other people kiss ass incessantly because they are needy fuckers that want everyone to like them. Cracker doesn't care about that. Surprisingly, most people like me. Criminal types tend to avoid me because I am honest and call them on their shitty ways, but decent people like me. Even some of Jesus' people like me even though I know I am on about a thousand prayer lists.
If more people were like me, society wouldn't be filled with pathetic criminals, liars, cheaters, lay-abouts, and losers. People would think, "Hmm, that IS bullshit and I don't want to be a POS, so I'm not going to do that."
There is kindness in honesty that most people don't get to realize because they are too wrapped up in their own needs. I fulfill my own needs (except taking my own pic in the mirror) so I don't need gushing or approval.
And I'm quick as fuck. I rule the tards.