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I know I'm always bitching about this...
(12-22-2011, 02:45 PM)LuciferLynn Wrote: The underlying feeling is that whitey can take care of himself and of not, too bad b/c the minorities have been shit on their whole lives and now we all have to make up for it. I say BULLSHIT. I lived in SW Florida for 7 years. I lived in a nice neighborhood. I had a $250,000 house that was worth around $80,000 the year before I moved back home all b/c of minorities. Houses getting foreclosed on, or rented out to 20 people, dogs running amock in the neighborhood, trash all over the yard, trach CANS blowing down the street and no one knew how to use a lawnmower on their own property. Mostly, people are a victim of their own cirsumstances. They made a CHOICE to live like that. Just like I made a CHOICE to sell the house & move back home. I don't want my kids thinking that having the fucking SWAT team ask you to leave the area while you're on your way to the bus stop in the morning is any way to act or live. Yeah, that actually happened.

The thing that impacts this issue is background and upbringing. It is not as black and white as 'no one knew how to use a lawnmower'. There are social issues and poor education and poor values instilled in them. Sometimes it's generational, but that is why they come from 'disadvantaged' backgrounds. Imagine if you were a young child growing up amongst that? What other issues would impact you? Poor nutrition? Poor education, poor attendance? Parent/Single parent family? Family abuse, domestic violence. Drug and alcohol issues? Mental Health? These are all components that impact on what an individual is left to deal with with growing up amongst that. It is a disadvantaged background. They do not have the same opportunities, privileges, advantages that most of us take for granted. The reason they are given help/assistance/handout whatever you want to call it is to try and even the playing field.

These policies are never given out by government agencies lightly and without investigation and research into this area. It's not just handed out to the them because they are lazy. That is not logical and does not make sense.

Messages In This Thread
RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - by aussiefriend - 12-23-2011, 05:53 PM