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Do you feel lucky...? Well, do you???
(12-24-2011, 12:22 AM)Cracker Wrote: No, it's really not. It is simple, actually.

They live in ignorance. That is why 90% of the continent is completely fucked up.

They treat their children and women like shit. Men of low intelligence do that. It IS that simple.

Now you can throw in some bullshit psychology and sociology, but the bottom line is that they are an unitelligent lot of selfish fuckers that only look out for themselves and don't have enough sense to plan for the future. Like animals. Those people have litters of children hoping one or two will live to take care of them. That isn't love.

Now prove I am wrong. Don't throw some stupid shit my way because I don't fall for that. All the years I spent in college and all the books I have read point to one truth: Stupid people do stupid shit and everyone around them suffers.

I don't lack insight, aussie. I am way past that point. I reject the bullshit excuse making known as insight and I challenge people to take care of their fucking children. That is keen insight, I would say, not feeling sorry for people who starve babies to death.

If they're ignorant (as you said) that means they don't know a better way. They're ignorant. Which means they lack education and maybe properly educated, they would do better.
Commando Cunt Queen

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RE: Do you feel lucky...? Well, do you??? - by username - 12-24-2011, 12:40 AM