01-04-2012, 01:41 AM
(01-04-2012, 01:35 AM)JsMom Wrote: No I worded it wrong. I was meaning that childrem without problems sho_ld be in reg. class, kids with behavioral prooblems should be in behavioral classes and kids with learning disabilities in resource classes and autistic kids in special ed. I would not want my child disrupting any classroom! I was rushing and wordered it wrong.
Some of the best/brightest kids I know have autism. That isn't a death sentence, especially if they don't have severe autism.
Intellectually Disabled kids should go to resource because they can't read or write well enough to understand what is going on in a regular room. Most kids with Intellectual Disabilities in America (retarded) are a result of BAD PARENTING, not organic causes. That makes me fucking sick. Learning Disabilities can be coped with in a regular room with a little extra help, those kids are capable if they get help (unless they can't read or write, then school fucking sucks for them). EBD kids do fine with some teachers, not so good with others, so that should be parent choice. I always took the EBD kids and had few problems.
The kids I grew tired of were the fucked up kids that just don't behave. They used to call them Conduct Disorders but now they are just regular students who fuck up the education of every other kid in the room. They should be sent to a special school and shouldn't be around any nice kids. There is no excuse for sending a fucking brat to school, even if you are mama's baby.
The Internet Heroes won't like that, but Cracker doesn't give a shit. Education isn't a one-size-fits-all situation. Most school resources go to helping kids who have problems (mostly caused by parents, less than 2% of kids are actually born with the problems they have, most are caused at home). Screw the kids who are somewhat normal, nobody gives a shit about them anymore. My system won't even buy them math books because they have to hire one teacher to follow around a fucking brat all day and that eats up the textbook money. So yeah, screw you people who make excuses instead of making people be responsible. YOU are part of the problem and the reason my kid doesn't have a math book.