02-22-2012, 12:36 PM
I've been up my kids asses for years, it's to the point where they don't even flinch anymore. I always said I wouldn't be that snoopy parent, like mine, but I am. I go through my 14 year olds phone, I log into his FB and read his messages, I deleted the IM program off the computer and I have the parental controls on, the computer is in the living room where I can keep an eye on what exactly is going on. He knows I do all this. In addition, we live in a small town, one where your parents know what you're doing before you yourself do. Thanks to the small town network, I know his every move, who he's with, what he's doing, theres literally NOTHING he can do that I won't hear about. He hates it, as did I when I was 14. I've got some pretty good kids with good heads on their shoulders but I still worry. People a fuckin sick perverts.
Just shut up. Just shut the fuck up right now.