03-01-2012, 11:10 AM
It's not gossip if you are talking about yourself is it? What's the difference in talking about your marriages and talking about your children or your home or your past jobs. Not everyone LIKES to talk about current events or crime. Maybe they talk about that shit everyday IRL and need a break, so here they are, at Mock. This is a forum. If people didn't communicate, there wouldn't be a forum. If people decide to share something that they know will be Mocked in the future, isn't THAT what this site is all about? I understand protecting your members. I get that.
I think it's interesting to here Mockers history, even some of LC's past arrests.
Wikipedia definition for Gossip:
Gossip is idle talk or rumour about the personal or private affairs of others. It is one of the oldest and most common means of sharing facts and views, but also has a reputation for the introduction of errors and variations into the information transmitted. The term can also imply that the idle chat or rumour is of personal or trivial nature, as opposed to normal conversation.
Gossip has been researched in terms of its evolutionary psychology origins.[1] This has found gossip to be an important means by which people can monitor cooperative reputations and so maintain widespread indirect reciprocity.[2] Indirect reciprocity is defined here as "I help you and somebody else helps me." Gossip has also been identified by Robin Dunbar, an evolutionary biologist, as aiding social bonding in large groups.[3] With the advent of the internet gossip is now widespread on an instant basis, from one place in the world to another what used to take a long time to filter through is now instant.
I think it's interesting to here Mockers history, even some of LC's past arrests.
Wikipedia definition for Gossip:
Gossip is idle talk or rumour about the personal or private affairs of others. It is one of the oldest and most common means of sharing facts and views, but also has a reputation for the introduction of errors and variations into the information transmitted. The term can also imply that the idle chat or rumour is of personal or trivial nature, as opposed to normal conversation.
Gossip has been researched in terms of its evolutionary psychology origins.[1] This has found gossip to be an important means by which people can monitor cooperative reputations and so maintain widespread indirect reciprocity.[2] Indirect reciprocity is defined here as "I help you and somebody else helps me." Gossip has also been identified by Robin Dunbar, an evolutionary biologist, as aiding social bonding in large groups.[3] With the advent of the internet gossip is now widespread on an instant basis, from one place in the world to another what used to take a long time to filter through is now instant.