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Victoria (Tori) Stafford, 8 - Canada, Murdered. The trial of Michael Rafferty
I will start by saying that TLM's statement given at her hearing is most definitely edited, she is not that well spoken and I don't think would be that eloquent, or her lawyer wrote it.
I was in the overflow room, I didn't even try to get into the courtroom itself, I was quite happy to not be that close to those sick monsters.
They have 3 screens in the overflow room, one shows the from end of the courtroom - jury, witness, judge, crown etc, the other is pointed directly at the prisoner box where Rafferty sits and it is quite close up. I was shocked when Rafferty came in, he has gained a lot of weight and aged a fair amount, apparently according to others in the room, he also had gotten his haircut since last week "(how nice he gets to have his hair trimmed and face shaved)!! He is still one ugly looking motherfucker though!!
So TLM is brought in, you can't really see her as the other camera is a fair distance and above so you can see her outline really, but not her face. It all started quite slow with asking about her background, etc, she sounded like she was high or something the way she spoke, there were a lot of pauses, likes and ummms, and sometimes she really didn't seem sure of what she was saying. After about 20 mins defense wanted to ask a question without the jury and witness there, they were all removed and media were not allowed to update or tweet. Does that mean I am not allowed to say what happened? it was anything major, but not sure if i can say?
Basically TLM had a horrible childhood, full of violence, drugs, alcohol etc, she was bullied at school as her (adoptive) was an alcoholic and the kids called her mum crazy carol, started smoking weed at aged 8! Poor me poor me BS. The first night she met Rafftery, by chance while she was picking up pizza they went for a drive in his car and had sex. She seemed to be quite honest in what she was saying, again cant see her face, and she mumbled a lot. It looked like Rafferty had his eyes on her the whole time, they actually adjusted her chair and mic as he said he did not have a clear and direct view of TLM. For the first part of the testimony he kept a pretty straight face, not really showing any emotion. TLM was addicted to oxy's and Rafferty would call her up to get some when he wanted, she said he made her feel good, he seemed like a good guy at first. He would also say horrible tings to her and make her feel like a bad person, when mentioned the once said it was like Lucifer meeting the bible??? WTF! So it seems he is a classic abuser, make them feel good, bring them down all to manipulate someone.
The audio cut out a few times in the room, once being once she was testifying about the day of the abduction, all I could see was Rafferty at points looking agitated, angry and taking a lot of notes.
After the lunch break, audio was working again and TLM continued her story. She had mentioned that he had said bad things and she had pushed them to the back of her mind as she wanted to think he was a good guy, for instance, he asked her if it would be weird if he would say he wanted to kidnap someone - she laughed it off - dumb bitch! Also he took her around to a few houses telling her the layout of them and how you could go in, tie someone up and take them..... now these would be warning signs to most people. When the crown was asking her about other instances, she had started to say once time he climbed on top of her and.... then the crown stopped right there and went in a different direction saying they did not need to get into that right now. I wonder what the story was going to be, I read he liked choking when he was having sex, or maybe he was going to rape her, or some sick role play? We may never find out the end to that story.
As her testimony went on about that fateful day, she became more emotional, her pauses were longer as well, she said that it was not planned, that Rafferty had asked her to go to Guelph with him and then he started driving towards the school. He asked her if she was going to do it? She said, do what? He said, I knew you were all talk! At that point she said she knew what he wanted to do...... she said she wanted to chicken out, but Rafferty kept driving past and that she picked Tori because she was walking on her own. She started talking about her dog and asked Tori if she wanted to see it, Tori agreed and they walked to where Rafferty was parked Cressant care parking lot.
Poor Tori got shoved on the floor in the back of the car and TLM said she was in the front...... at points during this Rafftery is shaking his head, taking more notes and looked agitated.
There were at least 3 times that TLM could have escaped with Tori or let Tori escape if she really wanted to, once when they stopped at Tim Hortons in Guelph, Rafftery didn't go through the drive thru, he actually got out the car and went in... why didn't TLM tell Tori to leave, why didn't Tori try and leave? He also stopped at a house to pick up prescription drugs, and also at a service station and got out and used the ATM. I don't think she was scared of Rafferty, so she must have been ok with this. She even went into to Home Depot by herself to purchase garbage bags and a hammer that he told her to, why not raise the alarm there if you really wanted it to end?
Oh I forgot to mention that TLM said Rafftery had dared grab a kid, he said make it a girl, they are easier to manipulate, she said she always rose to dares!!!!
This whole time she she said she was talking to Tori, and asking her her favorite color and shows and holidays etc and told her it was going to be ok, and telling herself it was going to be ok. Why would you think everything was going to be ok when you just bought garbage bags and hammer, why would you think that when Rafferty apparently told her, they could leave her or let her go now?? I am sure the weed and oxy's she took that morning had worn off, she couldn't still be high, she even said herself she had a high tolerance for them. She did also say earlier that she was on prescribed anti depressants and anti psychotic meds.
As she goes on, she is taking long pauses after questions are asked and is getting emotional, at one point saying she needed a minute and the court broke for recess.
When he pulled into a lane way somewhere out in the country and started masturbating, she said she knew what was going to happen and got out the car and walked away out near the field! She said she could hear Tori cry, scream etc but stayed there, at one point she turned around because she heard the horn and could see Rafftery in the back seat with Tori on his lap, apparently they were both naked from the waist down!
People in the room were gasping, there was a lot of deep breaths and a lot were crying by this point, it was quiet and somber and all around sad. It was a far cry from the morning when people were making fun of TLM when she couldn't remember things like how long she had lived somewhere etc.
At one point she said Rafferty had called her over and asked her to go check and see if there were any cars around or if she thought anyone could hear anything - really you don't like what is going on but you do nothing to stop it and keep a lookout!!! She even said herself when the crowne asked if she did anything to stop what was happening that she didn't. I think she stood in that field to keep lookout, not because she didn't want to hear or see what was going on. Rafftery called her over another time and told her to take Tori to the bathroom, so she led her to the front of the car, she said she saw blood in the snow! She said Tori grabbed her hand and asked her not to leave her and not to let him do it again! (instead of trying to run away) she led Tori right back to Rafftery and got on the front seat, Tori wouldn't let go of her hand, but she couldn't stay there and ran out into the field again.
She said she was seeing flashbacks to when she was that age, and all this anger and rage filled up inside of her, she felt like she wasn't there (at this point it looked like Rafftery mouth bullshit to himself but I can't be sure) There was a bit of confusion about what happened next as TLM was mumbling, speaking very slow and taking really long pauses between questions, the audio wasn't the greatest so it was hard to hear if when she walked back to the car and saw Tori laying on the ground whether it was her or Rafftery that started kicking her. After she said it was probably her that then took the garbage bags out the car, she said she said she out one over Tori's head and then Tori was hit with the hammer. The crown asked her hit her, there was a long long silence, for a few minutes it felt, the crown had to ask again and finally TLM said that it was her that hit Tori with the hammer! Well you could just hear everybody in the room gasp and start crying even more, quite a few people had already left, but at his point a few more got up and left. The testimony for the day ended not long after this, I believe the crowne still has questions and then the defense will cross, she could likely be on the stand another couple of days.

The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Victoria (Tori) Stafford, 8 - Canada, Murdered. The trial of Michael Rafferty - by Jezreel - 03-14-2012, 12:11 AM