03-16-2012, 11:22 AM
You would think so wouldn't LytoMe..... I doubt that what TLM is saying is 100% true, I think Rodney Stafford believes there has been lies already, if you listen to his mini PC's he does with the press every lunch. He was privy to what was said at TLM's hearing in April 2010, very little was released to the public and won't be until after this trial, so she may have said something different. We will ever know the complete truth? I doubt it, TLM is telling the truth as what she believes it to be or told herself it is.
I think that is the movie date they went on, it hasn't been disclosed as to where the video was taken yet. She probably is high on oxy's she admitted she shot them up everyday.
I think that is the movie date they went on, it hasn't been disclosed as to where the video was taken yet. She probably is high on oxy's she admitted she shot them up everyday.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.