11-28-2008, 11:57 PM
jackboots Wrote:Really? I make typos all the time. And I had to google it to be absolutely certain. I'm smart as asparagus afterall. But asparagus with google can be LETHAL.El Mayo Wrote:Oh, and mayonnaise has two Ns.that's the second time in 5 years i made typo mistake. you still have the IQ of asparagus. you still were to stupid to get the reference.
Just sayin.
I got the reference. But somehow, I got the impression that the criteria for this part of the forum was a bunch of one uppery instead of meaningful, validating posts? I get it now. It's only one sided one uppery. ::laugh::
Here, let me start over... In response to your original post in this thread: "Haha, jackboots, very clever!!"
Is that better?
No, it's not short for hellmans or mayonnaise. It's how I read "LMAO" in my head when somebody overuses it or uses it when you know they're not REALLY laughing so hard that their ass falls off.

ETA: Ha, quoted it in time. lol