04-13-2012, 08:42 PM
re: shark steaks. When I lived in Portland we used to get the finest seafood by virtue of being right on the damn ocean, and at the time I had a whole crowd of people crashing at my house. Think a dozen or more, including various relatives staying with me and assorted hangers-on. We weren't rich but it was good times, and one week I decided to surprise everyone and bring home some blacktip shark steaks for a big backyard party. We lived right up against the woods so it was the perfect place to gather. We spent a week or two arranging everyone's schedule, lining up party stuff, setting up our chef, all the prep. And finally the day of the party arrived, me being the big hero who arranged it...and I woke up with the flu. Couldn't breathe, couldn't smell, couldn't taste, nothing. Of course the party went on as planned, the damn steaks were the hit of the night, everybody raved about how delicious they were, and I couldn't taste a goddamn thing. I was so pissed off. It was like chewing buttered notebook paper...