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MISSING/MURDERED. Brittany Killgore, 22, CA. & Pfc. Kelli Bordeaux NC
re: Kelli Bordeaux

Fayetteville Police officers and detectives met with several soldiers from Fort Bragg to gather evidence and to search for the missing Pfc Kelli Marie Bordeaux at Froggy Bottoms on Wednesday morning.

[Image: 41320279.jpg?function=resize&mode=SCALE&...height=430]

[Image: 41321486.jpg?function=resize&mode=SCALE&...height=430]

Fayetteville Police forensic technicians gather evidence in front of Froggy Bottoms during the search for the missing soldier, Pfc Kelli Marie Bordeaux, on Wednesday morning April 18, 2012.

[Image: 41320341.jpg?function=resize&mode=SCALE&...height=430]


Messages In This Thread
RE: MISSING. Brittany Killgore, 22. CA and Pfc. Kelli Bordeaux NC - by Lady Cop - 04-18-2012, 04:16 PM