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MISSING/MURDERED. Brittany Killgore, 22, CA. & Pfc. Kelli Bordeaux NC
re: Kelli Bordeaux ^

a pond is being searched at this moment.

Nicholas Holbert, 25, told ABC News 11 exclusively that he gave the soldier a ride home from the bar, where he works, but denied having anything to do with her disappearance and said he dropped her off at the entrance of her neighborhood at her request.

"As soon as you drive into the entrance to Meadowbrook, she said stop right here," Holbert said. "So I stopped and she said, 'I'll walk home.' I said, 'Are you sure?' She said, 'Yeah.' I said I figured she didn't want me to know where she lived, or somebody was there and she didn't want to be seen together."

The bar hand, who lives in a lean-to behind Froggy Bottoms, was questioned for a second time today by Fayetteville Police. He said he believed he was being targeted because he has a criminal record.

Holbert is a registered sex offender and was convicted as a 16-year-old of indecent liberties with a 5-year-old child, ABC 11 reported.

[Image: ht_kelli_bordeaux_missing_wy_120418_wg.jpg]

with husband
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Messages In This Thread
RE: MISSING. Brittany Killgore, 22. CA and Pfc. Kelli Bordeaux NC - by Lady Cop - 04-18-2012, 07:30 PM