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Boy Fights back bully, gets suspended.
It's really sad. There are kids that are like bully targets, through no fault of their own. That makes me the saddest. One small part of the agenda we focused upon in the anti-bullying campaign was "enabling adults". There are those teachers and other authority figures (like the bus driver) who just don't want to be bothered and turn away when really bullying is going down, some even seem to encourage it. So it just keeps happening to the same kids. Pisses me off. Some parents too. Lots of bullying kids have bullying-type or indifferent parents (not all of course).

There are also parents who firmly believed that their average or above average child (socially) was bullied when another kid or authority figure didn't like what they did and told them so. Lots actually; couldn't accept any criticism of their child and clouded the issues with claims of bullying (imo).

I think a lot of prevention could best be done at home by parents understanding and teaching their kids how fucked-up it is to pick on those that are more vulnerable before they step on the school bus. Even if the parents don't think their child would ever do something like that; once the child walks out of the house, whole 'nother set of influencers in play.

May 4th is global STAND4CHANGE Against Bullying Day 2012 (more info at link, if interested). The funds raised support programs and campaigns that focus on anti-bullying education. Seen some good anti-bulllying programs and curriculums introduced over the last 5 years. Progress.

Edit add: Donovan, was posting at the same time. I still have some friends that are active in the organization I worked with; seeing one of them tomorrow and will give him info on the documentary. Good piece.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Boy Fights back bully, gets suspended. - by HairOfTheDog - 04-20-2012, 07:34 PM