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2 Children Found in Bags in Fla. Canal
This fucking guy really pisses me off
Prosecutors release details in homicides of two children found in Delray Beach canal
Clem Beauchamp (April 25, 2012)
Delray Beach By Peter Franceschina, Sun Sentinel

8:03 p.m. EDT, April 25, 2012
After hours of interrogation the day after the bodies of two children were found floating in luggage in a canal, Delray Beach police detectives went after suspect Clem Beauchamp one more time – hard.

In the interrogation room the detectives made Beauchamp look at photographs of the dead children, who Beauchamp had been caring for since the disappearance of their mother eight months earlier.

"That's what you did to those… them. Yes! Take a look at 'em. Come here. Look… look… There you go," a detective told Beauchamp. "Now they're with their mom! 'Cause you know what you did to the mother, too. You told 'em they're going to see their mother. That's exactly what they did. You killed them!"

"No," Beauchamp replied.

It was March 3, 2011, and for hours Beauchamp maintained he did not know what happened to Jermaine McNeil, 10, and Ju'Tyra Allen, 6, whose decomposing bodies were found in the canal that divides Delray Beach and Boca Raton.

Details of the interrogation are part of more than 1,000 pages of evidence released Wednesday by prosecutors, who are seeking the death penalty for Beauchamp in the murders of the children and their mother, Felicia Brown, 25. Her body was found in August 2010 at a trash facility in West Palm Beach and remained unidentified until the deaths of her children. Beauchamp's murder trial is not likely to get underway until next year.

In response to the detectives' questions, Beauchamp repeatedly said he walked the children to their school bus stop on Feb. 22, and that they were going to be picked up after school by Brown's fiance. He did not see them after that morning, he told detectives.

After viewing the photographs, Beauchamp broke down sobbing.

"I wouldn't do nothin' like that," Beauchamp said. "I wouldn't help nobody do nothing like that."

At the time, Beauchamp was living with his girlfriend, Michelle Dent, their three children and Brown's two children, in a three-bedroom house. He was out of work, collecting a monthly $400 welfare check that was supposed to go to Brown, the court records show.

Money was tight, and he was stressed out. He and Dent were fighting over Brown's children – Dent wanted them out of the house because of the financial burden. Beauchamp insisted he loved the children as if they were his own.

"Ju'Tyra calls me 'Dad,'" he said. "Jermaine… He's like a son."

He said he taught Ju'Tyra how to swim and ride a bike, and played football with Jermaine. He said the children did not want to return to their mother. He said Jermaine had talked to his mother several times in recent months – detectives did not reveal that they knew Felicia Brown was dead until the interrogation was nearing its end, when Beauchamp finally insisted he wanted an attorney.

"You know I love them, but it's… it's different, it's like… It was straining and draining," Beauchamp said, adding he struggled to buy gifts for Christmas but that for the first time the family could afford a tree to put the presents under.

Beauchamp was already under federal investigation for possessing an illegal handgun silencer, and he was arrested on that unrelated gun charge while still in police custody – giving detectives time to build their murder case. He pleaded guilty to the gun charge and was given a 10-year prison sentence.

Then, after a breakthrough in the deaths of Ju'Tyra and Jermaine in September, prosecutors won a grand jury indictment against Beauchamp, 35, on three first-degree murder charges. Ju'Tyra died of asphyxiation – her face was wrapped in tape. Jermaine died of blunt trauma to his head.

That breakthrough came when detectives again interviewed Beauchamp's son, who was 15 when the children disappeared.

He initially told detectives he did not know what happened to the children, but in September admitted he had helped his father throw two pieces of dark, heavy luggage in the canal, court records show.

Beauchamp returned home in the early morning hours of Feb. 23, and his shirt was torn, and appeared to have bloodstains.

A man who was with Beauchamp in a holding cell after his federal arrest told detectives Beauchamp admitted to all three murders, in some detail. The inmate recalled Beauchamp said Brown deserved to be killed: "But the kids, he said, 'I don't know why I did that to the kids.'"

[email protected] or 561-243-6605, Twitter @pfranceschina

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RE: 2 Children Found in Bags in Fla. Canal - by SIXFOOTERsez - 04-26-2012, 02:10 PM