11-30-2008, 09:32 PM
QueenBee Wrote:Hey Moose....speaking of the cointards
I think Sinister may be secretly one of them. When I was checking out the place before I joined I saw she let one in here...and caught some hell for being nice to him.
So, do I have to be a clueless cointard who cannot spell worth shit to gain access here or what? I demand a new trial, or at least a new judge.
Bikers don't collect coins, noob. They collect skulls. ::lmao:: You don't seriously think you can talk smack about the mods in order to cause a rift and slide in the back door, do you? Because Sin and I fight all the time and I wouldn't betray her to help you if my life depended on it. Jebus help us all - I am talking to a noob about honor. That's like trying to explain Roger Penrose's work in inflation theory to Forest Gump.