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Ex military, contractor says US military is 19% gang bangers
(05-16-2012, 08:28 PM)Cracker Wrote: What will fix it? Race war?

It should be illegal first off. When did individuals lose all their rights and have them transferred to groups and corporations? Companies now have a legal right to buy Congress but people don't have the right to water their lawns on odd numbered days or trust their local bank to not give their money to whoever is willing to commit fraud to aquire it. The bank isn't even liable for its own mistakes but the insurance industry openly brags they gave Congrees 5.5 million dollars per congressperson to get obamacare passed. This is actually illegal yet they are openly bragging about their finmabncial clout. Obama promised to limit the power of lobbyists but Washington DC has changed from the poorest city in the country to the wealtiest on the basis of all the lobbyinst buildings going up. Representatives don't even read the crap they're paid to vote for any longer.

It's all the schools failing and it's the illegal and extraconstitutional two party system which is causing it. More and more control goes to the fed and we continue to ratchet lower.

There are lots of easy and quick ways to fix these problems but everybody keeps voting for the status quo and we get what we pay for. We get government which is taking all the wealth and giving it to the fat cats. They will destroy products, companies, and peoiple if they can make a nickel on the deal yet we continue to vote for it. Warren Buffet's secretary pays more in taxes than he does. Meanwhile the taxes on the wealthy in this country have been cut a staggering 70% since the 1950's while the mean income taxes have just about doubled. Actually the taxes on the wealthy have been cut a great deal more than 70% in effect because the very wealthy can afford tax attorneys and teams of accountants to find ways to legally and otherwise avoid taxes. Reagan ushered in the era of greed by saying a rich man's dollar was worth more than a poor man's dollar. The poor man already labored under the burden of having few dollars but now they weren't worth as much. The wealthy have bought the country with our money and are doing as they please. Those who actually control power may not have the greatest good as a goal any longer. Meanwhile the supposedly two parties are pl;aying off one another to maintain the status quo. They play the rich off the poor and the liberal off the conservative so no onwe notices that we have a planned economy that only benefits those who have their fingers in passing laws.

The markets are rigged and the system is rigged.
[Image: egypt_5.gif]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ex military, contractor says US military is 19% gang bangers - by cladking - 05-16-2012, 08:52 PM