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Nearly Ten Percent Of Inmates Suffer Sexual Abuse While Incarcerated
(05-20-2012, 11:25 PM)shitstorm Wrote: I think the prison system sounds like a fucking nightmare. I don't think this shit goes ion in places like Norway. The US could look at better models but I don't think there's any interest. When a prisoner has done something really horrible, it's understandable that people feel they're getting what they deserve with violence in prison, but that doesn't make it right. The punishment is doing time, not getting raped or stabbed or beaten up. That's torture. I think about people who are perfectly peaceful who get sent to prison for things like weed and I shudder.

That article quotes Eric Holder talking about 'standards'. That mutherfucker should be in prison for conspiracy to run guns across international borders and as an accessory to murder. That he is allowed to walk free, sucking off the tax payer, makes me ill.

I agree with a lot of that , but I don't mind hearing of a prisoner who is convicted of a crime against a child, gets his/her ass beat TO DEATH in prison...yeah, I'm good with that!

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RE: Nearly Ten Percent Of Inmates Suffer Sexual Abuse While Incarcerated - by FAHQTOO - 05-21-2012, 12:01 AM