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Mom Punishes her Daughter using Facebook
My oldest has a fb page. I set it up for him so I have the password. He knows, as do all his friends, that I can and DO log in on a daily basis to see pictures, read messages and check chats and if I see something I think is not appropriate on his part, his fb page is gone until he can grow up some. If I see something from one of his friends, I tell his/her parents. I know all of his friends parents and for the most part, we're all on the same wave length. Just the fact that he and his friends know an adult is checking keeps them in line. It also helps that he's not a retard and has chosen his friends wisely so they're all pretty good kids.
Just shut up. Just shut the fuck up right now.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Mom Punishes her Daughter using Facebook - by LuciferLynn - 05-22-2012, 09:52 AM