06-03-2012, 07:59 PM
(06-02-2012, 10:59 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: The Solution:
Just kidding around, Clad. Seriously, how do you think that the government is discouraging you from hating (or loving, for that matter) any individual or group over another? I haven't personally had that experience/feeling. Curious.
I probably answered your question in the previous post.
In actuality I believe government action might actually be designed to increase friction between people and groups. By favoring one group over another because of past injustices they are creating CURRENT injustices. Rather than letting the past die and serve as an object lesson to people to not do it again they are fanning the flames and putting incompetence in even more places than it would be naturally. This isn't to say any minority is more likely to be incompetent, it's merely to say that less qualified people are more likely to be incompetent or promoted to a position of incompetence.
I think most bigotry would be gone today without government interference and what would exist can only be eradicated by demographics. You can't legislate love.