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The Bashara murder mystery...with a little S&M and bondage
42 ... 42 ... 42 ... 42 ... 42

42 After 3 weeks of planning, today is the kick-off of the Justice for Jane campaign! 42

Below is the press release that was sent today to the major media outlets in Detroit and the Grosse Pointes.

    Saturday June 9, 2012
    Re: Justice for Jane (Bashara) campaign

    Saturday, June 9 is the kick-off of the Justice for Jane campaign in the Grosse Pointe community. This campaign is the display of items with the words “Justice for Jane” including yard signs, ribbon magnets for cars, wristbands, and purple tree ribbons. This first distribution of items is very limited, with future distributions planned as new requests are received.

    The goal is to have as many of them on view as possible before June 22, which would have been her 57th birthday. We believe Jane would be proud and deeply gratified that her community joined together to avenge the terrible wrong of her senseless death.

    The purpose of the campaign is to show in a visible way the Grosse Pointe community's desire to bring to justice whoever murdered one of its most respected members. It affirms a trust in law enforcements' efforts on her case and stands behind them.

    Sale of campaign items serves a dual purpose in providing funds for a commemorative vigil for Jane which will be held later this summer, date to be determined. All proceeds in excess of expenses will be donated to one of Jane’s favorite charities.

    This first wave of signs and tree ribbons is very limited as they were sold with no media exposure or advertising --- simply from those who view We fully expect many more requests when people see them and hear about the campaign. They will be distributed every week for as long as being ordered. The wristbands and car magnets are due in by June 15. To date, the count ordered is: yards signs, 46; wristbands, 52; ribbon car magnets, 23; tree ribbons, 14.

    Costs of these items are: yard signs $15; wristbands, tree ribbons, and ribbon magnets, $5 each. To buy or make donations, email [email protected], re: orders/donations. Purchasers will be notified of the pickup date and location in Grosse Pointe.

    The organizers wish to remain in the background (not take the spotlight) and let the campaign speak for itself. We truthfully would like little media coverage, but realize that is not feasible with such a high profile case. For any questions, please email [email protected] with the reporter’s name and contact information. A volunteer will email the reporter with the requested information. Thank you for your consideration.

Since this forum was started less than a month ago (May 13), we are pleased with this progress. Onward and upward!

Yard / Vigil Sign $15.00 (stakes included)

[Image: Proof.ashx?tcid=494D456A6D514E6F55653076...8230673208]

[Image: th_003.jpg]

Wristband $5.00

[Image: th_gd_test_color-filledphp.png]

Car Magnet Ribbons $5.00


Tree ribbons are also available. One ribbon will fit a large trunk. Cut in half it can cover 2 smaller trunks.

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After covering expenses and unsold inventory, any remainder will be donated to one of Jane's charities.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Bashara murder mystery - by Lady Cop - 02-10-2012, 03:24 PM
RE: The Bashara murder mystery - by Lady Cop - 02-10-2012, 03:37 PM
RE: The Bashara murder mystery...with a little S&M and bondage - by Darkman - 06-09-2012, 05:54 PM