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are you going to watch this guy die?
I won't be there. A friend will be there, on the American he had plans to be at the Falls this weekend anyway..a golf weekend thing. But he said if he gets to watch cool..if not, no big deal.

I know they gave away free tickets to be in the park area for best viewing..many of them showed up on E-bay.

Guess he was not too happy about the harness...said it actually makes the stunt more difficult.
Here is the thing, was listening to the morning show on local radio yesterday..and he apparently is having difficulty raising money to pay off all the costs he has, equipment etc. Gonna run over a million. Thing would think the Falls tourism bureau would be all over this as a money making venture..and getting sponsors, selling shit and make money for them and to pay.
But, if he cannot pay, why do it anyway?

Messages In This Thread
RE: are you going to watch this guy die? - by QueenBee - 06-14-2012, 06:20 PM