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deadly force authorized against police in Indiana
Free people have had a right to resist unlawful entry into their homes for countless centuries. This is a basic individual right granted by the Magna Carta. But things are disintegrating because the schools have failed and now we have illiterates and those ignorant of basic things actually running the world. This happened because the Indiana legislature bollicked up some law and gave police the right to enter homes for no reason. Then it became a big Thing with everyone weighing in on the issue. Rather than put things back the way they were the laws were rewritten to restore this basic human right that has been in force for centuries.

If you think things are screwy now just stay tuned until the illiterates are calling all the shots. They get their knowledge from propoganda in the schools and from television so it should be a very interesting future as we spiral down the drain.

Indiana, under Mitch Daniels, is actually doing better than most places. Of course nanny FED is still making a mess everywhere.
[Image: egypt_5.gif]

Messages In This Thread
RE: deadly force authorized against police in Indiana - by cladking - 06-15-2012, 07:24 PM