06-17-2012, 11:48 PM
Smallpox and cholera don't give a shit what color you are or where your from, exposure was a near death sentence. No doubt many blacks died from filthy conditions in the camps they were forced to flee to, there was nowhere to go. In those days a big camp was going to get infected with something, they didn't know about infectious agents or the treatments for many of the illnesses. I am not sure what this guys point to all that was? Should we have kept slavery for their own good? I think not, slavery was wrong, but it happened in every culture all over the world and still does in places, coincidentally its still wrong. The blacks in our culture now have had the benefit of 150 years of freedom and nearly as many in preferential treatment, where they are now is a matter of choices. I know to many good ones to believe any different. That was a very dark age for our country, its over and everyone needs to accept that. There was no real Entry Strategy to the civil war and there was certainly no Exit Strategy. Revisionist historians are just cheap arm chair quarterbacks, monday morning second guessers.