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Are You Cheap, Merely Thrifty, or Lavishishly Irresponsible with Money?
A prominent couple in our town ...both attractive, great kids, wealthy, fun, etc. the wife told a friend of mine that she can't even buy a lamp without his permission. I bet she hates him.

on other hand I feel sorry for men (or women) who their wife or partner spends $$ like its water...and as hard as the guy works he(or she) cant get security for their future or it is never enough...

We're tight about some stuff so we can be extravagant in others. Although after economic collapse we're not extravagant about anything much any more. Sometimes I worry about being 80 years old and buying purina for tuna and I don't have cats.
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference! Love3

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Are You Cheap, Merely Thrifty, or Lavishishly Irresponsible with Money? - by pspence - 06-18-2012, 06:52 AM