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former Penn. State Coach Sandusky charged in child sex case
Some old coaching buddies on the stand as character witnesses today.

Former Penn State assistant coach Dick Anderson, who worked with Sandusky for several years, testified that he and other members of the football staff were present when Sandusky brought young boys into the team's showers.

He said he never witnessed anything inappropriate.

"If Jerry would bring someone in with The Second Mile, they had been working out, for whatever reason they came in, it was not uncommon ... with the other coaches in the shower as well," Anderson said.

Anderson, who coached at Penn State from 1970 to 1983 and again from 1990 to 2011, adults and children often shower together at gyms. He noted, for example, that it's not unusual for him to be in the showers with boys at the YMCA.

Defense witness testimony

There is a possibility that the jury would get the case on Thursday this week. I guess the defense doesn't need an entire week for character witnesses hah Dottie has not testified so far, I look to her being the last witness for the defense unless Sandusky himself takes the stand.

This case is going to come down to "he said/he said". Even McQueary and the janitor's testimony is eyewitness with no forensic evidence or pictures. The jury will have to decide whose testimony is more believable.

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RE: former Penn. State Coach charged in child sex case - by Cheyne - 06-18-2012, 03:43 PM