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Carnel Chamberlain, 4, MI found murdered
Royal Oak Daily Tribune
Volunteers are spaced every few hundred yards and a command center is set up on Tomah Road near the Tribal campground as officials continue to search a one-square-mile area of the Isabella County Indian Reservation for a 4-year-old boy who disappeared about 9:30 p.m. Thursday night.
Carnell Chamberlain was last seen at a home on Tomah Road near the campground.
Search efforts, led by bloodhounds and volunteer searchers, are concentrated in an area bordered by Remus, Shepherd, Leaton and Tomah roads.
An Aeromed helicopter searched the area in the early morning hours as groups of volunteers hit the streets, woods and fields calling the boy’s name.
But nearly 15 hours into the search, officials are reporting no significant leads as spotters, all of them wearing yellow vests and several perched under canopies and makeshift shelter from the sun, line the roads.
Volunteers coordination, meanwhile, is headquartered in the Senior Room at the Tribal Operations building.
At least 50 people are gathered in the volunteer center and officials are saying no additional volunteers will be needed until at least 6 p.m.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Carnell Chamberlain, 4, MI missing - by Lady Cop - 06-22-2012, 01:21 PM
RE: Carnell Chamberlain, 4, MI missing - by KnowYourFacts1st - 06-22-2012, 01:27 PM
Q - by Cheyne - 06-29-2012, 08:21 AM