06-23-2012, 09:59 PM
the mom
![[Image: 187424_100002834365801_1459784997_n.jpg]](https://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/187424_100002834365801_1459784997_n.jpg)
![[Image: AR-120629857.jpg&MaxW=620&MaxH=330]](http://www.themorningsun.com/storyimage/MS/20120623/NEWS01/120629857/AR/0/AR-120629857.jpg&MaxW=620&MaxH=330)
morning sun
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe Tribal Fire Department members searched through a Dumpster on East Tomah Road in Mt. Pleasant Saturday evening, looking for clues on the whereabouts of 4-year-old Carnel Chamberlain, who went missing from his home on Tomah Thursday night.
A Tribal Police officer on the scene said the Dumpster search was part of the ongoing investigation.
Next door, Carnel’s mother, 21-year-old Jaimee Chamberlain, sat outside with friends and family, waiting for news.
“I just want him home, I don’t care what happened,” Jaimee said, and another person in the crowd at the home added, “We just want a safe return.”
Jaimee said she has just gotten home from her job at Isabella’s restaurant at the Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort Thursday when she learned that Carnel was missing. She looked around her yard, and “knew something happened” when he wasn’t near the house.
“My son’s not a wanderer,” she said. “I always thought I’d have one of those kids you almost need a leash for, but he never went far, he stuck close.”
Jaimee said the police and FBI have assured her that they are doing everything they can to find Carnell, and that rumors and tips involving the case were rampant.
“One thing I was told is that my aunt saw a dark green or black van with lights on the top in our area at that time. The police said they would look through the security footage at the casino, but I don’t know if that’s happened.”
She said she is willing to do anything to get her son back, and offered the public her phone number, 989-317-7256 and her home address, 7340 E. Tomah Road, to anyone who can help.
“I want to say to whoever has him, can you please bring my son home? I just want him back, I’ll give whatever amount of money or I don’t care what. I just want him home.”
![[Image: 187424_100002834365801_1459784997_n.jpg]](https://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/187424_100002834365801_1459784997_n.jpg)
![[Image: AR-120629857.jpg&MaxW=620&MaxH=330]](http://www.themorningsun.com/storyimage/MS/20120623/NEWS01/120629857/AR/0/AR-120629857.jpg&MaxW=620&MaxH=330)
morning sun
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe Tribal Fire Department members searched through a Dumpster on East Tomah Road in Mt. Pleasant Saturday evening, looking for clues on the whereabouts of 4-year-old Carnel Chamberlain, who went missing from his home on Tomah Thursday night.
A Tribal Police officer on the scene said the Dumpster search was part of the ongoing investigation.
Next door, Carnel’s mother, 21-year-old Jaimee Chamberlain, sat outside with friends and family, waiting for news.
“I just want him home, I don’t care what happened,” Jaimee said, and another person in the crowd at the home added, “We just want a safe return.”
Jaimee said she has just gotten home from her job at Isabella’s restaurant at the Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort Thursday when she learned that Carnel was missing. She looked around her yard, and “knew something happened” when he wasn’t near the house.
“My son’s not a wanderer,” she said. “I always thought I’d have one of those kids you almost need a leash for, but he never went far, he stuck close.”
Jaimee said the police and FBI have assured her that they are doing everything they can to find Carnell, and that rumors and tips involving the case were rampant.
“One thing I was told is that my aunt saw a dark green or black van with lights on the top in our area at that time. The police said they would look through the security footage at the casino, but I don’t know if that’s happened.”
She said she is willing to do anything to get her son back, and offered the public her phone number, 989-317-7256 and her home address, 7340 E. Tomah Road, to anyone who can help.
“I want to say to whoever has him, can you please bring my son home? I just want him back, I’ll give whatever amount of money or I don’t care what. I just want him home.”