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Lock "Em Up: US Prison System Considerations

What's crazy to me is how the federal government has basically declared war on a state that decided to protect it's own border. That's what it comes down to, very simply. The federal government is now NOT COOPERATING with Arizona when they detain or inquire about a persons legal immigration status. Does that make sense to anybody?

You want jobs in the country? Support an enormous public works project, and build a 100 foot wall, 50 feet wide, from the Pacific to the Gulf of Mexico. Two entry points in each state, Texas gets four because of the size of their border. Watch illegal immigration come to a halt.


With regards to private prisons, and more people being arrested because of the industry... I don't buy it. The volume of kickback cash that would have to be paid to law enforcement, courts, and administration to fund it would destroy the profitability of the private prison industry. Now, could there be judges who could get co-opted to funnel people who come before them? Of course, as we've seen it already happen.

But wide scale arrests to fill up the prisons for a profit motive? Way too expensive... even for corruption.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Lock "Em Up: US Prison System Considerations - by Jimbone - 06-26-2012, 11:11 AM