06-26-2012, 08:44 PM
Clang's post in the ladies of Mock beauty thread got me thinking...
What do/don't you like with regards to efforts your s/o makes with regards to her looks. Do you like french manicures? What if she dyes her hair vs. showing gray? Make-up? Armpit hair?
I think most men want at least good hygiene but...do you like it when your woman is your "arm candy"?
My husband actually dislikes it when I go out with him wearing anything form fitting or that shows some cleavage (i.e., anything remotely "sexy"). He feels like it detracts from his enjoyment at an event because he's more focused on how other men are responding to me (or some such nonsense) instead of just relaxing and enjoying the event.
On the other hand, I spend most of my days make-up less and wearing workout clothes so it's not a constant issue for me. The rare times we do go out though, I like to dress for him and look my best.
What are your thoughts on female primping? What is too much?
Clang's post in the ladies of Mock beauty thread got me thinking...
(06-26-2012, 08:16 PM)Clang McFly Wrote: Or maybe we need to post more in here to make you realize you don't need alot of makeup and fancy/radical cosmetic surgeries to be beautiful.
(at least to me)
What do/don't you like with regards to efforts your s/o makes with regards to her looks. Do you like french manicures? What if she dyes her hair vs. showing gray? Make-up? Armpit hair?

I think most men want at least good hygiene but...do you like it when your woman is your "arm candy"?
My husband actually dislikes it when I go out with him wearing anything form fitting or that shows some cleavage (i.e., anything remotely "sexy"). He feels like it detracts from his enjoyment at an event because he's more focused on how other men are responding to me (or some such nonsense) instead of just relaxing and enjoying the event.
On the other hand, I spend most of my days make-up less and wearing workout clothes so it's not a constant issue for me. The rare times we do go out though, I like to dress for him and look my best.
What are your thoughts on female primping? What is too much?