12-05-2008, 03:11 PM
Vixen Wrote:Okay, let me see if I got this.... the "initiation" is to see if people can put up with name calling and ass-licking behavior? Sounds *ahem* like fucking blast. So is this same behavior what occurs in the members only forum? Kind of one-dimensional.
A) Why not trying to be different and NOT post your first thread in member's only? If you get in, that is.
B) Every last fucker that joins up here says how "lame and boring" the place is, If that's the case, what the fuck are you braindead fucks doing coming here? And if that is the case, what does that say about you? You don't like it here, this is your option: [Logout]
Don't like it? Go fuck yourself and find somewhere else to whine about it.