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Carnel Chamberlain, 4, MI found murdered
Kevin Chamberlain, the tribe's former chief who is a cousin of Carnel's mother, Jaimee Chamberlain, said he had no details about what led investigators back to the house after many days of searching woods, ponds and the tribe's wastewater treatment areas.

The body "had to be in a grave. We had looked underneath before and didn't see anything," he said.

which means they didn't use CADAVER dogs the first time.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Carnell Chamberlain, 4, MI missing - by KnowYourFacts1st - 06-22-2012, 01:27 PM
Q - by Cheyne - 06-29-2012, 08:21 AM
RE: Carnel Chamberlain, 4, MI found murdered - by Lady Cop - 06-29-2012, 09:48 AM