07-05-2012, 09:15 AM
We have all kinds of codes and regulations here dealing with pools, Alarms, fencing, gates, gate and screen door latches, ladders, all kinds of things. It probably keeps some of them from drowning, no way to know how many, all you hear about are the ones that drown, not that can't get in. I don't know why, but the black folks in the south (maybe every where) do not teach their kids how to swim, damnedest thing I have ever seen. Poor is not the reason, we grew up shit poor and still learned. There is a lady down in Miami, black lady, lost her grandboy because momma didn't watch him and he drowned in the pool, apt complex I think. She has been running all over the south to black communities trying to get folks to teach their kids how to swim and working on programs for free lessons and all that.