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Carnel Chamberlain, 4, MI found murdered
the comments under the article are interesting. The_Villagers

MOUNT PLEASANT, MI — Family members of Jaimee Chamberlain said Friday night that rumors she is on the run or hiding from police are untrue.

Jaimee Chamberlain is the mother of 4-year-old Carnel Chamberlain, who went missing on June 21. His charred remains were found one week later underneath the porch of the home where he lived with his mother and her now ex-boyfriend, Anthony Bennett.

Bennett has been charged with abuse of the boy that Jaimee Chamberlain said happened several weeks before Carnel was found dead.

Jaimee's sister, Tammy Chamberlain, said Jaimee has been working with police throughout the search for Carnel and continuing investigation. She denied a recent news report that said Jaimee was hiding from police.

Tammy said she dropped Jaimee off at tribal police headquarters to speak with officers on Thursday. She and Jaimee continue to speak on an almost daily basis in Mount Pleasant, Tammy said.

Jaimee is working "side by side" with the FBI during their investigation, Tammy Chamberlain said.

"Jaimee is not on the run, she is fully complying with law enforcement," her mother and Carnel's grandmother, Joann Chamberlain said. "If my daughter was on the run I would bring her in myself."

Tribal police have been silent about the case since the search turned into a criminal investigation, sending any requests for comments to the FBI office in Bay City.

Numerous calls to the FBI seeking information have not been returned.

Tribal spokesman Frank Cloutier said he had no information on whether she was avoiding the police or not, but said he would have reported to the press if he knew anything about it.

Jaimee Chamberlain has declined to comment throughout much of the case, however, she told some of her side of the story during an interview on News Hour with Nancy Grace on CNN June 29.

Family spokesman Kevin Chamberlain could not be reached for comments this weekend.

Tammy Chamberlain said the experience has been traumatic for her sister, Jaimee, 21, a young mother afraid for her and her son's safety if she told anyone about the alleged abuse going on by her now ex-boyfriend, Anthony Bennett.

"She was scared to tell anybody," Tammy said. Bullshit

"We're peace people. We're not violence people," Tammy said. "We've never had anything like this happen in our family."

But Jaimee had known violence before she got together with Bennett.

Her ex-boyfriend, Carnel's father, went to prison for abusing Jaimee, and once "put her in the hospital" after a physical attack, family members said.

"All we're trying to do is pull together for my little sister," Tammy said. "She has not went through the steps yet actually realizing her son is gone."

Wondering if the boy went through pain and not knowing what the final moments of his life were like is "horrific," Tammy said.

She said hate and negative comments directed toward Jaimee Chamberlain are unnecessary.

Some watching the case believe Jaimee Chamberlain should be charged because she told the FBI she knew about abuse going on between Anthony Bennett and Carnel Chamberlain. An online petition has been created to advocate for those charges.

Family members said Jaimee is being sheltered because she fears violence in retaliation for her speaking to investigators about the case.

Tammy has been praying for Jaimee and for justice for Carnel.

"We believe justice will reveal itself," she said, putting faith in the thorough investigation being led by the FBI. "We'll find out what happened to Carnel."


Messages In This Thread
RE: Carnell Chamberlain, 4, MI missing - by KnowYourFacts1st - 06-22-2012, 01:27 PM
Q - by Cheyne - 06-29-2012, 08:21 AM
RE: Carnel Chamberlain, 4, MI found murdered - by Lady Cop - 07-11-2012, 06:30 AM