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Dinner this evening: Summer Risotto
(07-15-2012, 06:31 PM)Maggot Wrote: I love real rice and will never go back to that minute crap.
Instant Rice is the biggest son of a bitch in the Vegetable Kingdom. It's the coworker that talks shit behind your back and denies it to your face; it's the gag lottery ticket your asshole brother got you for your birthday; it's the waiter that assures you there's no problem with special orders, then pisses in your vegan minestrone (you kind of deserved that one, though).
Instant Rice should always be regarded with fear and revulsion, and exterminated with fire wherever found. If left unchecked, the Instant Rice's primary purpose is plowing your wallet right in its asshole (you know that little hole, down at the bottom of the billfold where the creases meet? Yep. That's what that is.) as although it is cheap to purchase your medical bills from having consumed gallons of it over a lifetime will creep and destroy your savings along with your dignity.

Take the time. Do it right. Cook your own damn rice...

Messages In This Thread
RE: Dinner this evening: Summer Risotto - by OnBendedKnee - 07-15-2012, 07:50 PM