07-20-2012, 02:21 PM
(07-20-2012, 02:10 PM)Duchess Wrote:
Some of us think Maytee is batshit crazy.
yes a few screws she lost along the way of w.e drug she was doing. then add that to a grieving mother WATCH OUT. however as a mother if you introduce your child into a lifestyle of the sort, when yourself and husband were involved (street life) & let them live that lifestyle growing up, her house was the hang out house so to say. you could smoke drink w.e you wanted there. she has pictures of johnny & his friends smoking weed & drinking on her fb. under age. when you allow them to live the street life you can not be suprised when street life catches up & you lose a child. TOLEDO isnt safe we have killings all the time so why would you basically applaud such behavior? she knows more then she tells. you cant hang out in the streets of toledo and not know your enemies. i just wish they would find the other person involved because a cig. butt isnt enough to just try two people for killing. && that means a killer is still running the street.